If you are requesting service for biting adult mosquitoes, please attempt to collect a sample of the mosquitoes in a plastic zipper bag to assist our technicians in identifying the species. You can leave the bag taped to your front door if not home. If you have any issues with the request form or would like to find out if we have already visited a potential mosquito breeding site, please call us at 1-800-429-1022 or email us here.

IMPORTANT – Do not use auto fill or auto type for your address, that will not work.

To enter your address, start to type in your street address and then click on the matching address in the drop down window that appears.

After you tap your correct address, you should see “This address matches within Sac Yolo district” and a map of your address should appear. If you do not see the text or map, you need to try again to type and choose your address.

Click here to open the form in a new window. After submitting you may close the window.