May 23, 2019

Contact:  Luz Maria Robles, Public Information Officer
Office:  916.405.2082 | Cell:  916.416.6337

Elk Grove, Ca— Late spring rain leaves behind stagnant water that creates the ideal mosquito breeding conditions and the Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District reminds the public to “drain after the rain” to prevent mosquitoes. Since Memorial Day weekend is around the corner as well as the upcoming warmer months, it’s imperative to take all necessary precautions against mosquito bites. “As you celebrate with a backyard barbeque, a camping trip or enjoy other outdoor activities, it’s important to protect yourself from mosquitoes by wearing an effective mosquito repellent,” said Gary Goodman, District Manager. The Center for Disease Control recommends using an insect repellent that contains the active ingredients DEET, Picaridin, IR3535 or the plant based Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus. Aside from personal protection against mosquito bites, draining all sources of stagnant water around the home is also important. “We’ve gotten a lot of rain over the last few days, this weekend, please remember to inspect your yard for any containers such a as flower pots, buckets, pet dishes, bird baths and fountains that may have filled with water from the recent storm,” said Goodman.
In 2018 our District experienced an intense mosquito and West Nile virus season. In total, there were 26 confirmed human cases in both Sacramento and Yolo counties as well as 390 mosquito samples and 282 birds that tested positive for the virus. These late rains will help the mosquitoes that transmit West Nile virus get a jump start by adding additional standing water sources that they can breed in.
Also of concern are the invasive mosquito species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus which have been found in more than 200 cities throughout Central and Southern California and continue to spread throughout the state. These mosquitoes pose a significant health threat because they are capable of transmitting dangerous viruses including Zika, dengue fever and chikungunya.


To report stagnant water sources, request a home inspection or if you are being bothered by mosquitoes, please call 1-800-429-1022 or fill out a service request online at
Practice the District D’s of Mosquito Prevention: 
DRAIN standing water that may produce mosquitoes. 
DAWN and DUSK are times to avoid being outdoors.   
DRESS appropriately be wearing long sleeves and pants when outside. 
DEFEND yourself by using an effective insect repellent.  Make sure to follow label directions! 
DOOR and window screens should be in good working condition.
DISTRICT personnel are also available to address any mosquito problems. Call them at 1-800-429-1022 or visit