August 17, 2020
Contact: Luz Maria Robles, Public Information Officer
Office: 916.405.2082 | Cell: 916.416.6337
— North Sacramento County, Davis and Woodland are areas of concern.
Elk Grove, Ca — The Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito & Vector Control District announced today that West Nile virus (WNV) activity is intensifying throughout Sacramento and Yolo counties as 20 mosquito samples tested positive today. Many of the mosquito samples were collected from Carmichael, Fair Oaks, Arden Arcade and Orangevale where WNV activity has been steadily increasing for the past few weeks. In addition, WNV activity is also escalating in Davis and Woodland. “We are keeping a very close eye on all these locations as we have seen a steady amplification of the virus,” said Gary Goodman, District Manager. “The extremely hot temperatures are rapidly increasing mosquito populations and making the virus more intense,” added Goodman. Currently, the District is evaluating surveillance data to determine the best plan of action moving forward. For a map of the most recent WNV activity see
The District urges residents to be vigilant and continue protecting themselves with an effective mosquito repellent when spending time outdoors. “It just takes one mosquito bite to change your life, please be aware that WNV can affect anyone,” emphasized Goodman.
In response to the recent findings, the District will continue to monitor all WNV activity through widespread mosquito trapping and testing. Ground treatments around areas where positive mosquitoes have been found will be performed to quickly decrease populations and protect public health.
Ongoing West Nile virus activity throughout Sacramento and Yolo counties comes during a time when the possibility of detecting the invasive mosquito Aedes aegypti is high, especially due to the current heat wave. These mosquitoes were initially detected in Citrus Heights in August of 2019 and they are capable of transmitting dangerous viruses. To date, invasive mosquitoes have not been detected within District boundaries.
For current information about any treatments planned, please visit Residents may also subscribe to receive email notifications for mosquito treatments by zip code. To sign up go to Spray Notifications on the website.
2020 West Nile virus activity update:
Sacramento County: 47 mosquito samples and 53 dead birds have tested positive for West Nile virus to date.
Yolo County: 36 mosquito samples and 3 dead birds have tested positive for West Nile virus to date.
Practice the District D’s of Mosquito Prevention:
DRAIN standing water that may produce mosquitoes.
DAWN and DUSK are times to avoid being outdoors.
DRESS appropriately be wearing long sleeves and pants when outside.
DEFEND yourself by using an effective insect repellent. Make sure to follow label directions!
DOOR and window screens should be in good working condition.
DISTRICT personnel are also available to address any mosquito problems. Call them at 1-800-429-1022 or visit