October 7th, 2020
Contact: Luz Maria Robles, Public Information Officer
Office: 916.405.2082 | Cell: 916.416.6337
E-mail: lrobles@FIGHTtheBITE.net
–Aedes aegypti mosquitoes found near Arden-Arcade
Elk Grove, Ca. — The Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District announced that it has detected the invasive mosquito Aedes aegypti in Sacramento County. There were 7 female and 4 male mosquitoes found in a trap near Cresta Park in the Arden-Arcade area. This is the first detection of invasive mosquitoes within the city of Sacramento. Last month invasive mosquitoes were discovered for the first time in the city of Winters and last week one mosquito was also found in Davis. The mosquitoes were found as part of the District’s ongoing routine surveillance program. “Throughout the year we have been working diligently to identify areas where invasive mosquitoes may be breeding,” said Gary Goodman, District Manager.
Aedes aegypti are small, dark mosquitoes that lay eggs above water in small containers such as flower pots, pet dishes, bird baths, tin cans, tires and other containers as small as a bottle cap that are commonly found in backyards. The public plays a key role in helping to control the spread of this mosquito because their behavior makes them very difficult to find. “Your assistance is critical! If you are being bitten throughout the day or notice more mosquitoes in your yard, please give the District a call to request a free inspection,” indicated Goodman. All residents are also urged to inspect their yards daily and drain all sources of stagnant water.
In response to the new detection, the District will enhance surveillance efforts by setting up additional traps in the surrounding area to assess the spread of the infestation. Field technicians will conduct door to door inspections looking for potential mosquito breeding sites, conduct appropriate treatments as necessary and talk to residents about preventive measures around their home.
The Aedes aegypti mosquito is not native to California; it is an aggressive mosquito that prefers to bite people during the day and has the potential to transmit serious diseases including Zika, dengue and chikungunya. These mosquitoes are now permanently established throughout the state and were recently found for the first time in Yolo, Sutter and Shasta counties
Residents experiencing mosquito bites during the day should report them immediately by calling 1-800-429-1022 or requesting service at www.FIGHTtheBITE.net
For additional information regarding invasive Aedes aegypti mosquitoes visit the
California Department of Public Health: https://www.cdph.ca.gov/Programs/CID/DCDC/Pages/Aedes-aegypti-and-Aedes-albopictus-mosquitoes.aspx
Practice the District D’s of Mosquito Prevention:
DRAIN standing water that may produce mosquitoes.
DAWN and DUSK are times to avoid being outdoors.
DRESS appropriately be wearing long sleeves and pants when outside.
DEFEND yourself by using an effective insect repellent. Make sure to follow label directions!
DOOR and window screens should be in good working condition.
DISTRICT personnel are also available to address any mosquito problems. Call them at 1-800-429-1022 or visit www.FIGHTtheBITE.net