August 5, 2020
Contact:  Luz Maria Robles, Public Information Officer
Office:  916.405.2082 | Cell:  916.416.6337
Elk Grove, Ca— The Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito and Vector Control District continues to monitor  West Nile virus (WNV) activity throughout the District and has found an increase in activity in Yolo County. Laboratory results obtained this week confirmed that nine mosquito samples and two dead birds tested positive for the disease in both urban and rural locations throughout the county. “We are closely monitoring and keeping an eye on the City of Davis since WN has been detected within city boundaries and in the surrounding areas,” said Gary Goodman, District Manager. “While temperatures have cooled off significantly this week, we are still in the middle of summer and conditions are right for mosquitoes to continue breeding and posing a threat for disease transmission,” added Goodman.  “We must not let our guard down now and we should continue taking all the necessary precautions such as dumping stagnant water from around our home and wearing insect repellent while spending time outdoors. Both of these actions are critical to protect our health from West Nile,” emphasized Goodman. Throughout Sacramento County, WNV activity has also remained steady around Carmichael, Fair Oaks, Arden-Arcade and other locations north of the American River Parkway where many mosquito samples have also tested positive this season.
In response to the increased WNV activity, the District will continue surveillance efforts, testing mosquitoes for virus, treating mosquitoes in all known sources and performing adult mosquito control as necessary throughout parks, neighborhoods and other agricultural sources in areas where the mosquitoes have tested positive.   
Ongoing West Nile virus activity throughout Sacramento and Yolo counties comes during a time when the possibility of detecting the invasive mosquito Aedes aegypti is high. These mosquitoes were initially detected in Citrus Heights in August of 2019 and they are capable of transmitting dangerous viruses. No invasive mosquitoes have been found this season within District boundaries, however, they were detected in Stockton last month by the local mosquito control district in San Joaquin County.
For current information about District activities, please visit Residents may also subscribe to mailing lists to receive email notifications for upcoming mosquito treatments by zip code. To sign up, go to Spray Notifications on the website. Information for current treatments planned is also available on the District website under Spraying Updates.
2020 West Nile virus activity update:
Sacramento County:  27 mosquito samples and 42 dead birds have tested positive for West Nile virus to date.
Yolo County:   13 mosquito samples and 2 dead birds have tested positive for West Nile virus to date

Practice the District D’s of Mosquito Prevention: 
DRAIN standing water that may produce mosquitoes. 
DAWN and DUSK are times to avoid being outdoors.   
DRESS appropriately be wearing long sleeves and pants when outside. 
DEFEND yourself by using an effective insect repellent.  Make sure to follow label directions! 
DOOR and window screens should be in good working condition.
DISTRICT personnel are also available to address any mosquito problems. Call them at 1-800-429-1022 or visit